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Earn with Traderstats

Join the Traderstats Affiliate Program and make money by sharing a tool traders will love.

Commission Rate
12 months
Commission Duration Per Sale
Min. Payout
Become an affiliate

How it works

Share Traderstats

Use your unique affiliate link to share Traderstats with your audience.

Earn Commission

Get 20% commission on all sales for 12 months from the signup date.

Monthly Payouts

Once you reach $100 in earnings, get paid on the 15th of each month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can become an affiliate?

Our program is open to everyone - content creators, traders, and enthusiasts alike. If you believe in our product, we'd love to have you as an affiliate.

How much will I make off every sale?

You'll earn 20% commission on all sales generated through your affiliate link for a full 12 months from the customer's signup date.

When do I get paid?

The minimum payout threshold is $100. Once reached, payments are made on net 15 terms. After the month ends we will calculate, process, and send payment on the 15th of the following month.

How do I get paid?

We will send payment through Paypal. When signing up to become an affiliate you'll be asked for your Paypal email in the affiliate dashboard. You can change this at any time.

Where can I read all of the fine print?

See the complete details of our affiliate program here.